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Re: Transport du matos en avion

Objet : Re: Transport du matos en avion
par surfthewave sur 22-11-2011 22:56:46

Citation :

Alain a écrit:
Vu quelque part, mais je ne sais plus ou, le site web le plus utile du monde pour voyager en avion avec son matos:

http://www.airline-luggage-regulation ... ng+Equipment&categoryid=2


Bel effort... Ca fait rêver une norme IATA pour les pack windsurf pour simplifier la vie des voyageurs....IL faudrait qu'un fédration internationale pousse un peu IATA

Voici ce que dit IATA sur son site :

Citation :


IATA ensures that people and goods can move around the global airline network as easily as if they were on a single airline in a single country. ...

For the benefit for all parties involved:

* For consumers, IATA simplifies the travel and shipping processes, while keeping costs down. Passengers can make one telephone call to reserve a ticket, pay in one currency and then use the ticket on several airlines in several countries.
* IATA allows airlines to operate safely, securely, efficiently and economically under clearly defined rules.
* IATA serves as an intermediary between airlines and passenger as well as cargo agents via neutrally applied agency service standards and centralized financial systems.
* A large network of industry suppliers and service providers gathered by IATA provides solid expertise to airlines in a variety of industry solutions.

Il faudrait trouver une assoc/fédération internationale suffisamment influente pour négocier avec IATA... si quelqu'un connait quelqu'un...

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