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Re: Quel GPS utilisez-vous?

Objet : Re: Quel GPS utilisez-vous?
par YannFRA-5 sur 13-02-2015 20:45:11

Citation :

FRA26 a écrit :
Nouveau GPS !!

Annonce officielle sur GPS-Speedsurfing le 13/02


Ca se comfirme en effet é¦

"W've got him !!! The first ThingSee One in the Netherlands has finally arrived.... today we had an excellent meeting with the ThingSee team and we received the first BETA device. From now on our developers can start testing the developed code on the ThingSee for real !
We are very very excited, a lot of work has to be done, but today was a big step for both the development team from ThingSee & GPS-Speedsurfing.com. We keep you posted about the progress in the next weeks to comeé¦"

Avec les photos la :

https://www.facebook.com/GPSSpeedsurfi ... 165488893/?type=1&theater

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