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Re: IWT au Maroc

Objet : Re: IWT au Maroc
par nilou sur 04-04-2018 09:47:09

Les honneurs de Windmag pour Marine !

http://www.windmag.com/actu-pwa-maroc ... ano-moreno-reine-gazelles

et de la PWA :

Elsewhere, Marine Hunter, certainly caught the eye today as she won the opening heat of the day in style by producing some late, ballsy hits, while also releasing her fins on one occasion. However, a mistake on her timing saw her catch her first wave in the semifinal before the buzzer - meaning it didn't count - which wasted valuable time and the 25-year-old then caught on the inside. Despite that, Hunter still recovered to take control of the heat for a short time, but then saw her place in the final snatched away from her in the dying seconds by Daida Moreno. One to watch in the double elimination, while Serena Zoia (99NoveNove / LoftSails) finished 4th in Heat 13 after a promising start in her first heat.

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